The Paris Foreign Mission Society (MEP) founded St Peter's Seminary at Pondicherry in 1778. In 1934, MEP shifted the Seminary to Bangalore. The Seminary offers Formation through four aspects: human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral. Each seminarian is formed and prepared for the priesthood via coursework and study, field education, spiritual direction, retreats, workshops and living in community with one another.....
...WHAT WE DO...
The Four Pillars of Priestly Formation
Grace is built upon nature. In seminary formation, a man’s humanity must be continually perfected in order to reflect the Fatherhood of God. By growing in communion with God, in the midst of brothers, a seminarian grows in virtue and becomes a channel for others to experience Christ’s love.
Spiritual Formation centers a man’s heart, mind and soul upon the Lord. At
St Peter's Pontifical Seminary, the seminarian is aided in understanding if God is calling him to the supernatural vocation of the priesthood and then equipped with the skills necessary to pray and sustain such an extraordinary call from God.
In studies, our men learn to better understand the human condition and the truths of faith. In doing so, a seminarian learns to appreciate the deep wisdom contained within the Church and, as a result, comes to know Christ in a richer way.
Pastoral formation in seminary is where all the dimensions of formation become integrated. The seminarian seeks to make a gift of himself to God first and foremost, and then the people of God, through loving and serving with the heart of the Good Shepherd.

Peter the Apostle
O! Sing the great Apostle,
In mem'ry of the rock,
The basic of that fabric,
Which fears not tempest's shock.
To our Creator's glory,
That festal chant shall burst,
We praise the Second Shepherd,
To glorify the First.
1. O Peter, light of doctrine and tourch of holy love,
The very types of fervour and wisdom from above
O! sing the great Apostle......