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Kannada Academy

       St Peter's Kannada Sahitya Sangha, with its motto, 'prema satya bithaneye emma saadane' (to sow the seed of love and truth) completes 70 years of its existence in the seminary (started on 7th March 1952). On Tuesdays Kannada sermon classes and on Wednesdays Kannada singing classes are organized to train seminarians to preach the word of God, under the guidance of Rev. Fr. Sebastian. Every month, there is a solemn Kannada Mass and academy meeting organized for the members of the academy to exhibit their literary skills and talents. Every year our academy releases Kirana, the annual magazine that comprises of poems, short stories, essays, creative writings, hymns and articles contributed by brothers. The major plan for this academic year is to release a book 'Shubhasandeshagala Hinnele'(Background to the Gospels). The Kannada academy members have also started a Youtube channel 'Supta chethana' in which the history of each diocese and devotional songs are released. and also a Facebook account in which the life of Saints and compendium of the catechism of the catholic church(CCC) questions and answers are uploaded each day. The Kannada Academy is guided byRev. Fr Simon Pinto, as its Director and Bro Sanjay Juvanes, as its secretary. And presently St Peter's Kannada Sahitya Sangha has 43 members.

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